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Contact Information Orange Township


Orange Township Municipal Building

2028 State Route 487

Orangeville, PA 17859

Phone: (570) 683-5836


Township Office Hours:  Available by appointment.  Call 570-683-5836 to schedule


Township Supervisors The board of supervisors shall meet at 6:00 PM on the first(1st) Monday in January of each year. If the first(1st) Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held the following day.  Meetings for the remainder of the year will be held on first(1st) Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM at the Orange Township Municipal Building. The annual budget meeting shall be held the fourth(4th) Thursday of October each year at 6:30PM.


  • Calvin Fox, Chairman                                     (570)683-6312

  • John Long                                                       (570)683-6333

  • Dan Fetterman                                                (570)204-2419




  • Calvin Fox                                                        (570) 683-6312


Township Manager/Secretary/Treasurer


  • Erika Burkhart                                                  (570)683-5836



Building Permit/ Sewage Enforcement Officer/ Zoning


  • Chris Bower                                                     (570)458-0316


Orange Township Police Department


       Police Chief Daniel Patel                                (570)683-5372




  • Hummel, Lewis, and Davidson                       (570)784-7666


 Columbia County Planning Commission             (570)389-9146

(Meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM.)


Columbia County Conservation District               (570)784-1310



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